Standard of Points
Tiffanie (Breed 68)
Coat Pattern and Colours - The coat may be black, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, cream, caramel, apricot, black tortie, blue tortie, chocolate tortie, lilac tortie, caramel tortie, or the Burmese colour restriction of any of these colours or their silver varieties, in any of the recognised Asian patterns.
Note: The tabby patterns will be less distinct on the semi-longhair coat.
Coat Length and Texture - Medium to long, fine and silky in texture, without a woolly undercoat. The coat should appear dense, but lie flat along the spine and display a glossy shine. The tail should be plume-like. The furnishings from inside the ears may form streamers and tufts at the tips of the ears are acceptable. A ruff is desirable in the mature cat and preference should be given to the cat with a ruff and full breeches. Tiffanies do not normally achieve full coat until mature (2 years plus), and allowance should be made for shorter coats and lack of ruff in kittens.
Type (50) | |
Head | 5 |
Muzzle | 10 |
Ears | 5 |
Eyes | 5 |
Body | 10 |
Body size and weight | 5 |
Legs and Paws | 5 |
Tail | 5 |
Colour and Marking (50) | |
Pattern | 25 |
Colour | 10 |
Contrast | 10 |
Texture | 5 |
Total |
100 |
Withhold all Awards - as in Asian General Type Standard.
Withhold Certificates or First Prizes In Kitten Open Classes for:
1. Too short a coat in adults
2. Shaggy, woolly, coarse or badly groomed coat
3. General Asian withholding faults.